
Filtering Options

Our Fast Catalog advanced search option contains filters such as product features, categories, price ranges, date ranges, and many more. This allows consumers to narrow down their options and find specific things that fit their needs.


Enhanced Client Experience

The catalog system improves the overall user experience by providing a comprehensive and straightforward search tool. Users are more likely to remain engaged and satisfied with the platform and readily discover what they need.


Complex Queries

Standard search functions may be confined to simple keyword searches. On the other hand, an advanced search function can handle complex queries with numerous requirements and conditions, allowing for more refined search capabilities.


Competitive Advantage

A user-friendly advanced search feature might be a differentiating point for a catalog platform in a competitive market. It has the potential to attract more users and motivate them to return to the platform for future queries

Drive Performance, Stay Ahead

The comprehensive Reporting and BI features of an ERP system, organizations can gain valuable insights, monitor performance, and make data-driven decisions. These features empower businesses to optimize operations, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead in a competitive market.

Automate business processes, maximize productivity, and accelerate growth.

Discover The GrexPro Solutions For Modern Business Needs

Grexpro ERP

GrexPro ERP

Analyze, manage and gain real-time sourcing flexibility for allocated, returned and open orders with ERP solution.

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Grexpro WMS

GrexPro WMS

Unleash the potential of your inventory-driven e-commerce business with our budget-friendly solution that has a context menu.

Synchronize Your Shopify Cart Now

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Grexpro FastCatalog

GrexPro B2B Fast Catalog

Transform FastCatalog into a seamless, paperless, and error-free operation, revolutionizing your business processes.

No technical experience necessary

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Grexpro CPQ

GrexPro CPQ

Improve your customer experience with accurate and timely quotes. The power of automation to streamline processes.

Accurate and personalized quotes

Get Started With CPQ